Boat Lockers and Storage

Fees for a season of boat storage are $360

(just a dollar a day)

To request storage go to [insert link]

Terms and Conditions

  1. Season storage is available to active members of GBC, 'active' for storage lockers are defined as boats being used at least monthly
  2. If the club is at storage capacity, priority is given based on:
    1. Those with a spot in the previous season
    2. Committee members and major volunteer role-holders
    3. The order of requests received.
  3. Only when GBC storage space is not fully allocated to club members for their first boats a club member’s second boat(s) may be allocated storage.
    1. Club members allocated second boat storage will pay the applicable yearly storage rate.
    2. The second boat's rolling monthly storage will continue until another club member requires storage for their first boat.
    3. Club members with second boats will be given at least 2 weeks' notice and asked to vacate their spot.
    4. Any unused storage fees paid for a second boat will be refunded from the date the club member's second boat is removed.
  4. Overnight guest storage is only available if space is available, with prior approval from a club official.
  5. Please note that club members will have priority over non-members in storage at all times.

Refunds will only be given in exceptional circumstances, any request for a refund should be made in writing outlining the circumstances and a decision will be made at the next general committee meeting.


Glendowie boating club, its members, coaches, or volunteers, do not accept any liability for loss or damage (material or personal) suffered on boats stored at the club. It is the individual’s responsibility, if so desired, to ensure they have adequate insurance coverage for their boat, equipment and personal effects. If your application for storage is accepted, then you will adhere to these rules, which are available publicly through our website